Lakeside Mediation Center
- Have a ten-minute consult with the mediator before the virtual mediation to discuss logistics and have any questions about how the virtual mediation platform will be used.
- Exchange cell phone numbers in the event of an unexpected technical glitch. This will also allow a secondary method of communication.
- Avoid the urge to get directly to work. Some people worry that virtual mediation will be sterile. It doesn’t have to be, and a little time getting to know each other can put everyone at ease.
- Although Lakeside has done nearly 1500 virtual mediations, virtual mediations are new for many and we are all learning to adapt to the technology. We are all really in this together.
- Look into your device’s camera the way you look into someone’s eyes when you are making a point. You don’t have to do this continuously.
- You will have a discreet and private caucus room and you can, as in person, meet privately without the mediator. The mediator can leave your caucus room. You may text the mediator when you wish to visit again or you may use the chat function.
- Screen share is available on Zoom to display documents, photographs, or PowerPoint.
- In addition to protecting the health of the participants, Zoom overcomes logistical problems and travel costs. Zoom allows the mediator to discuss matters with decision-makers visually instead of only by telephone.
- Zoom mediations are actually more personal than mediations following current guidelines requiring participants to wear masks, social distance, not share food, and be concerned about their health.
- Settlement rates at Zoom mediations to date have been on par with in-person mediations – if not slightly better.
Eric Galton
Greg Bourgeois
Ben Cunningham
Fred Hawkins
Kim Kovach
David Moore
Bill Fowler
Lucius Bunton
Lynn Rubinett
Ken Davison